Zadie's Big Day

Her parents, Eric and Tania don't say a word. They are too nervous! Zadie runs up to the ball, looking to the left. But she kicks the ball to her right and the goalkeeper dives the wrong way. The ball rolls slowly into the Greenford goal. The referee blows her whistle for the last time. Westbourne are the Champions!

     Zadie is the best footballer on the school team. She is also the best skater in the park. When a new boy at school challenges her to a skating competition on the same day as an important football final, Zadie accepts. Can Zadie be both Queen of the Skate Park and Champion on the Pitch? 
     Zadie is very good at sports. She is so cool. There are many scene which Zadie plays sports. They are very thrilling! Actually I'm not good at sports, so I really envy her. I want to have great experience like her.



Holly the Eco warrior (Longer ver.)

Book review series

The Blue Eye