The Red-headed League

"'As a rule,' said Holmes, 'the stranger a thing seems the less mysterious it really is.'"

     When  Dr. Watson called his friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, one day in the autumn of last year he found him in deep conversation with a fat, red- faced gentleman with a bright red hair. The fat man was Mr. Wilson. Holmes asked Mr. Wilson to talk his story once more to Dr. Watson. Mr. Wilson puffed out his chest and pulled a dirty and wrinkled newspaper from the pocket of his coat. He looked through the advertisements in the newspaper. Mr. Wilson started to talk about his story.

     This story was written by Conan Doyle. He said that The Red Headed League was one of his favorite Sherlock Holmes series. The story, set in London in 1890, follows Sherlock Holmes and his friend, Dr. Watson, as they attempt to solve the strange puzzle described by a red-headed London pawnbroker, Jabez Wilson. Wilson's employee, Vincent Spaulding, tells him about a group founded by a American millionaire, now dead, who also had red hair. Wilson meets Duncan Ross, the chief of the group, and Ross makes him a strange offer- Wilson can earn great deal of money simply by spending four hours a day at an office, copying out the Encyclopaedia Britannica. He does this for eight weeks, then arrives one day to find the office locked. 
 He goes to see the great detective. Of course, something much more serious is going on, and Holmes and Watson are soon involved in a fascinating mystery.



Holly the Eco warrior (Longer ver.)

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The Blue Eye